Northwest Nutrition Service
A non-profit sponsor of the
USDA Child and Adult Food Program
The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010 (the Act), Public Law 111-296, Section 221 of the Act added a new provision to the Richard B. Russell National School Lunch Act (42 U.S.C. 1766(u) requiring child care centers, family day care homes, at-risk afterschool programs and shelters participating in CACFP to make drinking water available to children, as nutritionally appropriate.
Throughout the day, including at meal times, water should be made available to children to drink upon their request, but does not have to be available for children to self-serve. While drinking water must be made available to children during meal times, it is not part of the reimbursable meal and may not be served in lieu of fluid milk.
Providers are encouraged to serve water with snacks when no other beverage is being served.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) recently issued a memo to reaffirm the intent of the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) regulations, which require family day care home providers to maintain program records.
Family Day Care Home (FDCH) Providers in the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP) must maintain child enrollment forms, menus, meal count records and attendance records as required by Federal Regulation at 7 CFR 226.10(d) and 226.18(d), (e) and (g).
The Federal regulation requires that records shall be retained for three years after the date of submission of the final claim for the fiscal year to which they pertain. However, if audit findings have not been resolved, the records shall be retained beyond the end of the three year period as long as may be required for the resolution of the issues raised by the audit.
Providers must maintain and have on hand for immediate review all records that support their program activities for the current month plus the previous twelve months of operation. Providers may store the remaining two years of records, offsite; however, the records must still be in the control of the provider and accessible within a reasonable amount of time. If no offsite storage is used, providers must retain three years of records onsite at the family day care home.
Records can be kept in hard copy or electronic format, provided that they are readily available for reviewers.
Northwest Nutrition Service
October 1, 2017 Meal Pattern changes:
General Menu Requirements:
All menus must contain the following information:
Date (month, day, year the meals/snacks were served)
Actual food items served –the menu must state the actual cereal served: for example, “WG Cheerios”
Substitutions made to the menu, including substitutions made for participants with special dietary needs
Whole Grain Requirements:
Providers must document on the menu which grain items served are whole grain-rich. When ALL grains served on the menu are whole grain items, the statement below may be written at the bottom or top of the menu.
“All grains served are whole grain-rich”
When all the grain items listed on the menu are not whole grain, then each individual grain food item that is whole grain must be documented as whole grain next to the food item on the working menu. Some acceptable abbreviations of whole grains are:
“WG” or “WGR” for whole grain or whole grain-rich
“WW” for whole wheat
When breakfast cereal is served, the name of the cereal must be documented on the menu. This is required to verify that the breakfast cereal meets the required sugar limit. For example, “General Mills Cheerios” or “WG General Mills Cheerios” if it meets the whole grain requirement.
Milk Requirements:
Providers must document the percent of the fat content for milk served for each age group next to the milk component on the menu. Sponsors must document the flavor of milk on the menu when flavored milk is offered.
- When the menu is used for only one age group, then the statement below may be written at the bottom or top of the menu:
- For ages 12-23 months: “All milk served is whole unflavored milk”
- For ages 2-5: “All milk served is 1%/non-fat unflavored milk”
- For ages 6 & older: “All milk served is 1%/non-fat flavored or unflavored milk”
- When the menu is used for multiple age groups then a statement may be written at the bottom or the top of the menu:
- All milk served is whole, unflavored milk for ages 12 -23 months; 1%/ non-fat, unflavored milk for ages 2-5”
- All milk served is 1%/non-fat unflavored or non-fat flavored milk for participants ages 6-18”
- Flavored milk may only be served to children ages 6 and older and adults. When flavored milk is served to children ages 6 and older, providers must document the fat content of the milk served and the flavor served. For example, “non-fat, chocolate”
Providers must document the flavor of the yogurt on the menu each time yogurt is listed on the menu. This is required to verify that the yogurt meets the required sugar limit. An example of yogurt that meets the sugar requirement is “Dannon Light & Fit Greek strawberry yogurt”
Infant Menu Records
Breast milk or the brand name of infant formula must also be documented on the menu. Providers must document the actual food item served on the infant menu record when the infant is developmentally ready to receive solid foods.
Supporting documentation:
Providers are required to keep supporting menu information on file for three years plus the current fiscal year. The following is a list of acceptable documentation:
A CN label or Product Formulation Statement (PFS) for commercially prepared combination foods. Include the Manufacturer’s name and the name of the item served.
A recipe for homemade combination foods
Nutrition facts label with Manufacturer’s name and brand name of cereal served
Ingredient label with Manufacturer’s name and brand name of whole-grain items served.
Nutrition facts label with Manufacturer’s name, brand name, and flavor of yogurt served
The documentation may be a photograph of the documentation, a photocopy or the actual label. The information must be legible.